Hi, I'm Osamu,

I build web pages and applications

See my work


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Hello there, I build things for the web and have been since 2018. I love working with Laravel, Vue and Statamic. If you've never heard of Statamic, check out this dynamic, developer friendly CMS here.

So those are my favourite technology tools, I also have commercial experience developing Shopify and WordPress themes.

I am currently happily employed, however I sometimes take on side projects, and I'm always happy to connect on Linkedin.


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Lillian's Mandarin Tutoring

This is a learning portal and client facing website for learning Mandarin. The content management is handled by Statamic and is hosted as a static site on Firebase. Both Alpine and Vue JS are used to create dynamic client side interactions.

*The code is hosted on a private repo, but can be viewed upon request

Project Code

Get in touch

Catch me hanging out here